901E Training

Unlock the secrets of
Shock qualification

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Delve deep into the comprehensive arena of
shipboard equipment shock qualification.

By the end of this intensive course, participants will be
equipped with the knowledge and strategies to
craft a streamlined, cost-effective shock
qualification test schedule.

Key Learning Areas:

  • The Navy’s shock qualification process.
  • Roles, responsibilities, and contractual
  • Choosing the test platforms and their
  • Navigating shipboard integration, test fixture
    demands, and operational standards.
  • Test failure redesigns and material selections.
  • Insight into shock isolator selection, COTs
    requirements, and design recommendations for
    shock isolators.
  • Addressing design modification retesting.
  • Proficient understanding of testing and

Documentation as per OPNAV and MIL-DTL-901E standards.

  • Interpreting and simplifying test specifications,
    minimizing confusion and contradictions.
  • Background:
    An evolved continuation of the training imparted
    at the S &V Symposium since 2002, this course
    centralizes on satisfying shock qualification
    requisites efficiently and cost-effectively.

  • Background and history of shock qualification
  • USN Acquisition requirements and
  • Shock Qualification Documentation Process
  • MIL-DTL-901E Standard Test Vehicles
  • Test Inputs
  • Test Setup
  • Test Fixtures
  • Test Series Requirements
  • Limitations of Test Vehicles
  • Test Procedures
  • Test Reports
  • Test Failure Resolution
  • Shock Qualification by Extension
  • Minimum Requirements for Extensions
  • Cost Comparison to testing
  • Extension due to Equipment
    Modification • Manufacturing and Materials Changes
  • Component Testing to Support Shock Extensions
  • Simulation of Installed Environment • Component Failure Modes
  • Extension when using Component
  • Shock Test Failure Modes Demonstrations
  • Review of shock isolation systems to ensure the
  • Optional HiTest Labs Demonstrations and facility tour

design meets the test limitations of MIL-DTL-

  • Calculation of equipment Shock Response
    Frequency • Recommendation of isolation system design to
    meet equipment shock design acceleration limits
  • Review of test setups and non-standard fixtures
    prior to submittal to the Navy for approval

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